Ward's Book of Days.
Pages of interesting anniversaries.
What happened on this day in history.
JULY 5th
On this day in history in 1996 was born Dolly the Sheep.
Dolly, the first living cloned creature to undergo a natural birth, was born to the Scottish Institute. She led a normal life although she tended to be segregated from the company of her fellow sheep. This was said to be on account of her delicate disposition but was most likely to be because of the overprotective attitude of her woolly-minded genetic engineers. Dolly did however become involved with David the Welsh ram with whom she bore four lambs.
Sadly, Dolly became the victim of arthritis and her brief life was brought to a merciful close in 2003.
Funeral arrangements. Stuffed and exhibited in The National Museum of Scotland.
Other venerable British animals.
Copenhagen, Wellington’s horse who took his master into the Battle of Waterloo and many other frays, was awarded his own farm by a grateful British government. He was buried with full military honours at Stratford Seye, Berks.
Greyfriars Bobby a Skye Terrier kept a vigil by his master’s grave for nine continuous years until his death.
Gelert the hound, who saved the life of his master's infant son, and was cruelly slain.
Ronald, Cardigan's horse who survived The Charge of The Light Brigade.
©2006 Ward’s Book of Days